Business tourists increased in Spain in the last year. 4.31 million visitors arrived in this country in 2014 to play their part in a trade trip, 6% more than in the previous year. The growth in the number of this kind of tourists has also increased the economic impact: €4,4 million, 9% more than one year before.
All this kind of information can be found in the study “The Business Tourism in Spain 2015”, published by The Ostelea Business School of Tourism & Hospitality. This document points out also that while the number of visitors has growth, the stay average in hotels has decreased in the last years (it was 8.6 nights in 2008 and now is 6.1).
Regarding the cities, Madrid and Barcelona organised the 66% of congresses in Spain last year. Both cities maintain their position in the world Top-5. By attendants, Barcelona is the first city in Spain and the second in the world (127,000 people). After the Ctaaln Capital City there is the Spanish one, Madrid, with 91,000 events attendants.
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