

Mar 14

Mice sector has already actuation plan for 2013

The Spain Convention Bureau (SCB) recently held the meeting to fix the central priorities of their actuation plan for this year. SCB partners from around Spain came to Madrid to decide how to act in 2013 in order to consolidate and expand their market.

The two biggest events that the Spain Convention Bureau will organize this year will be the SCB Assembly and the IV Mice Forum. Both meetings will take place in Santander (city in the north of Spain) in May.

The association will also organize presentations, visits and familiarization trips around Spain (the SCB gather cities of the whole country).

Moreover SCB partners talked about the Spain Convention Bureau Statistic Study of 2012. The association evaluated the results obtained last year and took note about what to do or not in 2013. This report shows all the important items about Mice sector in Spain: number of meetings made last year, the place where those events were hold, the number of people that participated and the economic impact.

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