

Jun 18

What do you want to know about “La Noche de San Juan” in Spain?

The night of “San Juan” is really special in Spain. It’s not easy to find people who don’t celebrate it with their family, friends, on the beach, on the streets… However, each part of Spain celebrates this great night on its way. Let’s talk about some of them.

Comunitat Valenciana

The city of Alicante, in Comunidad Valenciana, is probably the best San Juan of the whole Spain. Alicante fills up with a lot of people that see the bonfires on a lot of streets of the city. In addition to bonfires, the ‘ninots’ are the other emblematic elements of this night. Ninots are very colorful figures handmade that are shown to the people during all the night. San Juan means party, music and celebration in Alicante.


There’s not any town or city in Catalonia that not celebrates ‘La nit de Sant Joan’ (St John’s Eve). All people take to the streets to throw firecrackers and to see the fireworks spectacle. Moreover, in a lot of towns and neighborhoods people meet in the street to have dinner together and to eat “Coca de Sant Joan” (a great sponge cake) as a dessert.


St John’s Eve is popular in Galicia as “The Night of the Witchcrafts” (“La noche de las Brujas”, in Spanish). This party is celebrated since very long ago to scare witchcrafts. Galicians scare them also with a lot of bonfires. This night Galicians use to eat ‘cachelos’ (roast potatoes) and sardines.

Enjoy St John’s Eve!

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