Registered by ICCA, the Congress & Convention Association, Spain was the venue of 463 conventions and congress worldwide in 2011, againts and 451 events in 2010.
Therefore, Spain has revaluated its third position worldwide at the MICE Sector worldwide.
The ICCA registers all profesional events exceeding 50 persons audience which are regulary celebrated in three countries at least.
The six countries leading the ranking are still United States, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, France and Italy. Netherlands and Austria scaled up to the ninth and tenth while Switzerland go backed from 10 to 12th position, regarding the table of 2010.
As regards the cities, Vienna holds first position and Paris beated Barcelona in the challenge for second and third position. Madrid keeps its sixth position for second consecutive year.
Madrid has reached 130 international congresses, growing up 14% from 2010 and exceded 100 the number of events.
Madrid Visitors & Convention Bureau informs that Madrid has already stablished some of the most important conventions of its history in the following years. Two of them are The European League of Rheumatism Congress and The European Society for Medical Onchology congress.
Keys for success
There are always small changes in the table order regarding congress and international conventions. This is due to external factors and success of the commercialization destinations. The most relevant issue, however, is that international congress and conventions market is prone to enjoy “good health” conditions if compared to business and tourism meetings.
ICCA recomends to invest in three key fields to success : Reseraching, Marketing and Human Talent.
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