

May 07

Madrid holds the World Travel & Tourism Council

Madrid has successfully held the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) during the 15th and 16th of April. More than 1,100 tourism professionals have gathered at the Spanish Capital City to debate about the economical recuperation, the tourism and the technology and about nowadays’ kinds of clients.

The WTTC have come back to Europe after seven years. The city and the country chosen for holding this event has not been a coincidence: Spain is suffering a hurt crisis and the tourism sector is one of the only ones which are working. The WTTC, though, has not only been beneficial for the Spanish Tourism Sector, but for the world’s sector. Between the more than one thousand professionals who have gathered in Madrid, there are travel agencies, airlines, hotels chains, tour operators and digital platforms, all them willing to improve its growth and help the sector.

In this year’s WTTC such important names as José Manuel Durao Barroso, expresident of the European Comission, and Michael O’Leary, Ryanair’s CEO, have played their part in the event.

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